How could you help us?

Worldwide mission is done through praying, giving and going. This means that also you can participate in building the Kingdom in the inlands of Guatemala.


Every few weeks we send an email, to people who would like to pray for us, with specific and actual points of prayer.

Send us an email to receive those emails and to pray for our work.


Make your donation online

Or send your Checks Payable to

Diktyon Ministries International
c/o Felicia Russell
2610 Corbeau Drive
Irving, TX 75038, USA



You are always welcome to visit us here! Either on your own or in a (small) group. Just send us an email to ask for the possibilities!

Your help, whatever you'd like to do for us, will always be appreciated. For example:
- Practical jobs in remote villages -
- Assisting a medical team -
- Help with teaching our own kids -
Your own suggestions are always welcome.
© 2019 Diktyon Ministries International - Guatemala